themastuff that thema is using and doing3 weeks
Truantgeneral cellular automaton solver3 weeks
Stakelberg Game SolverProgram to play a stackelberg game against mutiple players and win6 weeks
spotify shortcutsa program to work with i3 to allow me to control spotify using the command line6 weeks
year 3 notesorg roam notes for year 3 of uni6 weeks
doom dotsconfiguration files for doom emacs6 weeks
Modulo2a module based tower defence game6 weeks
password managerpassword manager written in rust6 weeks
running gameopengl game in c++ about jumping6 weeks
sudokusimple sudoku solver6 weeks
collision simulatorproject i made over summer to mess around with opengl and collisions6 weeks
ant simulatorsimulation of ant pheremone movements6 weeks
tetris solvertetris solver, also capable of generating pictures6 weeks
1st year corseworkpython maze game6 weeks
haskell corseworkfor my 26020 module6 weeks
hexbotan agent to play the board game hex6 weeks
24011 corseworkcorsework for Intro to Ai module
chess botcorsework for one of my modules, producing a chessbot
minesweeperrust minesweeper player and solver